Marsh Creek Properties

Acreage 64 acres

Save Mount Diablo works to acquire properties along the Marsh Creek corridor, one of the longest and least developed streams in the East Bay.

The creek’s headwaters and several miles of its length are protected within Morgan Territory Regional Preserve and Mount Diablo State Park. Several more miles are protected in Round Valley Regional Preserve and in Marsh Creek State Historic Park. The mouth of the watershed is found near Big Break Regional Shoreline.

Marsh Creek has the third largest flow of any creek in Contra Costa County. Most years, the water sinks below the gravel beds in summer, but pools are apparent both upstream and downstream.

These pools are important habitat for the threatened California red-legged frog and many other species. Save Mount Diablo is actively working to restore native habitat along the Marsh Creek corridor on multiple properties.

Save Mount Diablo’s properties are closed to the public except by guided tour. Here are some of the properties we have protected or helped to protect along the Marsh Creek corridor:

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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