Let's make a difference, together.
Save Mount Diablo’s work to protect, connect, and restore natural land in the Diablo region is essential, and we can’t do it without you. Every contribution counts!
Payment options include credit card, direct debit, Paypal, Venmo, and Apple Pay.
If you prefer, you may complete our donation form and send it with your gift to:
Save Mount Diablo
201 N. Civic Dr., Suite 190
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Tax ID # 94-2681735
Or call us at 925-947-3535 to make your gift over the telephone.
Multiply the power of your gift through your company’s matching gift program.
Often companies will match employees’ charitable contributions, and some even match gifts from retirees, helping to make a greater impact on the causes you care about. By taking advantage of the matching gift program at your workplace, you can double—or even triple—your contribution to Save Mount Diablo. It’s a great way to amplify your giving.