Volunteer of the Month | Bruce Schine

Bruce Schine

Meet Bruce

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

Since 1978.

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

First heard of Save Mount Diablo when I saw a story about the map you produce for Mount Diablo State Park and surrounding lands.

When did you start volunteering with us, and why did you get involved?

The ranger at Sunol Wilderness Regional Preserve mentioned that the Trail Dogs were rebuilding the Walsch Creek Trail to Flag Hill and I should contact them about joining this project. Contacted Harry David to join. I believe this was about 10 to 15 years ago.

Which Save Mount Diablo programs are you involved in?

Save Mount Diablo Trail Dogs. I also volunteer as a Mount Diablo VIP and for the Mount Diablo Interpretative Association.

What do you enjoy about the volunteer work you do?

I am a frequent trail user, so this is how I can help to maintain these trails.

What is the most challenging project you’ve worked on as a Save Mount Diablo volunteer?

The Middle Ridge Trail maintenance sometimes required a long walk to and from Mitchell Canyon on very hot days.

Is there a memorable experience you’ve had as a Save Mount Diablo volunteer?

I enjoyed the opening of the Mangini Ranch Educational Preserve as I got to spend a day or two building some of the trails.

How do you spend your time beyond your volunteer work with us?

I was a chemist/chemical engineer in the process industries for about 20 years and then a telecom engineer and scientist for the next 20+ years for various Telecom Lab divisions. I enjoy most outdoor activities: downhill and cross country skiing, hiking, biking, kayaking, etc.

I do a lot of wildlife filming and reporting for the park biologists and naturalists and enjoy most forms of music, especially jazz.

Join Our Volunteer Crew! We Depend on You

Given limited staff, resources, and time, Save Mount Diablo depends on volunteers to take organizational effectiveness from excellent to exceptional.

Save Mount Diablo seeks to connect a passionate community to our mission, cultivating a sense of ownership and proficiency in every volunteer position offered.

Whether you want to help with restoration and stewardship, build and maintain trails, help with events, assist in the office, lead hikes, or advocate for us, there’s a place for you. For more information, check out Save Mount Diablo’s volunteer opportunities.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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