Opening a Trail and Admiring Diablo’s Blooms As Spring Begins

volunteers at Big Bend

Stewardship Update

volunteer diggning hole near mt diablo's balancing rock

Volunteer digging hole for hitching post near Balancing Rock. Photo by Haley Sutton

Written by Haley Sutton, Land Stewardship Associate

Knobcone Point Road Trail Now Open to the Public!

The Knobcone Point Road Trail connection from Balancing Rock to Riggs Canyon is now open to the public!

The 1.25-mile trail connector follows the ridgeline in upper Curry Canyon, making it much easier for visitors to traverse between the Curry Point/Rock City and Morgan Territory areas of Mount Diablo State Park.

Staff and volunteers worked around heavy precipitation days to prepare for the trail opening.

This past month the final infrastructural elements were added. Volunteers built and installed information kiosks at both entrances into Curry Canyon. They also continued to clear fallen branches and other debris from the road.

Staff also welded in a pedestrian gate at Riggs Canyon and installed signage to remind visitors to keep gates closed because there are cattle grazing on the property and that some areas are land bank and not open to the public.

Boys Team Charity group after installing decontamination station hitching post.

Boys Team Charity group after installing decontamination station hitching post. Photo by Haley Sutton

Staff worked with volunteers and a group of high school seniors with a local Boys Team Charity chapter to install decontamination station hitching posts.

There bikers, hikers, and equestrians can clean their tires and shoes with alcohol before riding or hiking across the trail to prevent spreading Phytophthoras that cause sudden oak death.

We welcome all park users to enjoy the scenery along the trail!

Cleaning Up after the Storm

DiRT volunteers scooping mulch

DiRT volunteers scooping mulch. Photo by Roxana Lucero

Diablo Restoration Team volunteers joined staff at Big Bend to finish mulching a trail from the parking area to the pond on the southern end of the property.

They also cleared several bags full of trash washed up onto the creek banks from all the storms the past few months. Lawn chairs, plastic fencing, and plenty of empty bottles and cans were recovered for proper disposal.

A big thank you to our DiRT volunteers!

Stewards in the Field

Shooting star (Dodecatheon hendersonii), Eagle Peak Trail, Mount Diablo State Park

Shooting stars. Photo by Scott Hein

The Trail Dogs supported efforts to prepare the Knobcone Trail opening and contributed to trail work on the Mitchell Rock Trail at Mount Diablo State Park.

Property stewards have observed lots of greenery, flowing creeks, and full ponds.

They are also noticing wildflowers pop up on multiple properties, such as shooting stars (Primula hendersonii) and houndstongue (Cynoglossum grande) at Young Canyon, and blue dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum) and popcorn flower (Plagiobothrys nothofulvus) at Marsh Creek 5.

On Belay participant

On Belay! Photo by Sean Burke

Discover Diablo Program

Many outings have been rescheduled or canceled because of unsafe or challenging trail conditions resulting from the rain.

Despite these obstacles, a few outings were still held this month:

March 18th Bob Walker Ridge Hike where hikers explored Morgan Territory Regional Park ridgelines and valleys with a break in the rain.

March 18th On Belay: Rock Climbing in Pinnacles National Park where climbers enjoyed a clear day to top rope a few classic climbs on the Tourist Trap crag.

March 25th Green Hills, Ponds, and Newts Hike where participants learned about the newt life cycle and local geology in Briones Regional Park.

Thank you to our Discover Diablo volunteers! Sign up for any of the Discover Diablo Events through Eventbrite.

Top: DiRT volunteers at Big Bend by Roxana Lucero

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