Bette Felton | Volunteer of the Month

Jim and Bette Felton

Interviewed by Haley Sutton, Land Stewardship Associate

About Bette

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

65 years.

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

From colleagues and neighbors, Ron Brown, Dick Heron, John Gallagher.

When did you start volunteering with us and why did you get involved?

2007 or around then.

Which Save Mount Diablo programs are you involved in?

Development and education via California State University–East Bay and its Osher Lifelong Learning Program (OLLI).

About Bette’s Work

What do you enjoy about the volunteer work you do?

The cool people I get to work with and the amazing events and courses we offer to the Contra Costa community.

What is the most challenging project you’ve worked on as a volunteer?

Hiking Four Days Diablo, with day three in the pouring rain and sleet.

Is there a memorable experience you’ve had as a Save Mount Diablo volunteer?

Every event and activity I have joined is memorable. Of course, Moonlight on the Mountain is a favorite, but so are volunteer appreciation events, State of the Mountain community events, Nature Heals talks and lectures . . . all memorable.

How do you spend your time beyond your volunteer work with us and what did you do before you started volunteering with us?

I taught nursing at California State University–East Bay. I was Dean of the Concord Campus of CSU East Bay. Now I work with the Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation to support public health in Contra Costa County.

Join Our Volunteer Crew! We Depend on You

Given limited staff, resources, and time, Save Mount Diablo depends on volunteers to take organizational effectiveness from excellent to exceptional. Save Mount Diablo seeks to connect a passionate community to our mission, cultivating a sense of ownership and proficiency in every volunteer position offered.

Whether you want to help with restoration and stewardship, build and maintain trails, help with events, assist in the office, lead hikes, or advocate for us, there’s a place for you. For more information, check out Save Mount Diablo’s volunteer opportunities.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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