The Most Critical Issue of Our Time: East Bay Students, Their Families, and Save Mount Diablo Support Global Climate Strike

Aerial view of people lined up to spell SOS with American flag in front and Mount Diablo in the background
Human banner from the 2019 global climate strike by Save Mount Diablo and its partner schools. Photo by Sean D. Johnson

SOS is the urgent call for the United States to come together and help the world address the existential threat of climate change. Save Mount Diablo and our partner schools recently came together at our conserved Curry Canyon Ranch, with Mount Diablo in the background, to support the Global Climate Strike. Image Credit: Sean D. Johnson

WALNUT CREEK, CA–The Global Climate Strike from September 20th to 27th, inspired by the teenage Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, may be the largest demonstration and call for doing more to protect our natural world in the history of our planet. Save Mount Diablo and schools we have partnered with in our Conservation Collaboration Agreement program came together recently to show our support for the Global Climate Strike.

We are showing our support for our young, their futures, and doing more to protect nature. We are part of history, like that first Earth Day in 1970 when students stood up en masse. They created momentum that led to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency and passage of important environmental laws like the Endangered Species Act. 

The student statements below and included “human banner” photos from our gathering at Save Mount Diablo’s conserved Curry Canyon Ranch came out of our recent collaboration in support of the Global Climate Strike.

Regarding the “human banner” messages: “SOS” is the urgent call for the United States to come together and help the world address the existential threat of climate change. Before Bob Marley sang about “One Love,” John Muir, the renowned father of the modern environmental movement and our National Parks, wrote in 1872 that humanity and nature are all expressions of one love.

People lined up as a human banner to spell 1 LUV with American flag in front and Mount Diablo in the background

One Love for each other and nature is the attitude required to successfully address climate change. Save Mount Diablo and our partner schools recently came together at our conserved Curry Canyon Ranch, with Mount Diablo in the background, to support the Global Climate Strike. Image credit: Sean D. Johnson

John Muir spent much contemplative time in nature where he keenly observed the interconnectedness of everything and felt love and awe for this one great natural world of which we are a part. Climate change is a symptom of an underlying serious problem, the lack of meaningful and respectful relationships between people and nature. In this climate change crisis we face, John Muir would almost certainly counsel us that an attitude of “One Love” is required.

When asked about why it was important to come together at Save Mount Diablo’s Curry Canyon Ranch to form “human banners” in support of the Global Climate Strike, Natalie Mangoba, a student at Campolindo High School, said, “A lot of people feel powerless when we hear about the destruction of our planet, and this is a way for us to do something about it.  These messages will bring awareness to the environmental issues we are facing today that can completely impact and change our future.”

Save Mount Diablo Executive Director Ted Clement leads a group of students and their families and teachers on a hike to create an image in support of the Global Climate Strike

Arnav Misra, a student at Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School, reflected, “You asked us why . . . why is it important to come together and participate in a global strike. It’s quite simple really—if we wait for someone else to do it, that person will wait for someone else to do it. This is why we should act. It’s particularly important that kids do this, as we are the future generation, we will reap the effects of what we are doing right now, well . . . what we aren’t doing right now.” “It’s important for us to come together to raise awareness about climate change because believe it or not, many people actually don’t know what climate change is. If we want the generation after us to see the beauty of this Earth, we have to act now,” said Emmanuel Morales, a student at Pittsburg High School.

We thank Brad Newsham for donating his time and expertise to oversee the creation of our “human banners.”  Further, we thank Sean D. Johnson and Christopher Rhoades, our volunteer drone pilots; and volunteer photographer Alvin Johnson.

Through Save Mount Diablo’s education programs, we are helping young people in our local schools meaningfully connect with nature and then, from that connected place of love, think globally and act locally.

A long line of students, their families, their teachers, and volunteers and staff from Save Mount Diablo head down the trail to create an image in support of the Global Climate Strike

Save Mount Diablo

SMD is a nationally accredited, nonprofit land trust founded in 1971 with a mission to preserve Mount Diablo’s peaks, surrounding foothills, and watersheds through land acquisition and preservation strategies designed to protect the mountain’s natural beauty, biological diversity, and historic and agricultural heritage; enhance our area’s quality of life; and provide recreational opportunities consistent with the protection of natural resources. Learn more at

Campolindo High School

CHS has a mission to foster academic achievement and cultivate personal growth in a supportive educational community to prepare all students for a successful future. Learn more at

Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School

JMIS has a mission to prepare students for the future, to develop a life-long love of learning, to provide a positive and safe environment for learning, to provide positive development of self, and to provide opportunities for students to be constructive and contributing members of the community and society. Learn more at

Pittsburg High School

PHS has a mission to graduate lifelong learners who make positive contributions to society while pursuing a career path of their choice.  Learn more at

California State University, East Bay

CSUEB operates a campus in the Mount Diablo foothills, with a mission to serve as a regional steward, to provide high quality education, to present opportunities for innovative, hands-on research, to empower students to make the most of the educational opportunities they have earned, and to develop a lifelong love of learning.  Learn more at

Saint Mary’s College

Saint Mary’s is a selective, comprehensive university that engages the intellect and the spirit with exceptional academics. This is an education that changes lives and inspires the desire to transform society. Learn more at


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