The Corner Piece

Acreage 117 acres
Watershed Marsh Creek
Vegetation habitats Blue oak woodland
Ownership Protected in 1976 by Save Mount Diablo and transferred to Mount Diablo State Park


Save Mount Diablo made its first direct acquisition in 1976, the “Corner Piece”—117 acres at the corner of Morgan Territory and Marsh Creek Roads, which was then four miles from Mount Diablo State Park.

It was purchased from the Morgan Territory Investment Company and is located just north of an old mercury mine.

Shortly after the purchase, Mount Diablo State Park protected North Peak, which allowed the creation of the Olympia Trail to Mount Olympia.

There is an unmarked trailhead to the Olympia Trail at the “Corner Piece,” but the trail to Mount Olympia is very steep and narrow. The more accessible Perkins Canyon trailhead is just a short distance down Morgan Territory Road.

a creek alongside a single track trail

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