Hanson Hills

Acreage 76.46 acres
Watershed A small tributary, Long Canyon Creek, flows into Marsh Creek and is part of the Marsh Creek watershed.
Vegetation habitats Oak woodland with blue oaks and buckeyes, and riparian woodland with live oaks, wild rose, and slender silver moss
Ownership East Bay Regional Park District
Funding partners Protected in 2014 by Save Mount Diablo and members of the Hanson family; transferred to the East Bay Regional Park District in 2016.


Hanson Hills is on Marsh Creek Road just across the road from Save Mount Diablo’s Big Bend preserve; its Long Canyon Creek flows into Marsh Creek at Big Bend. Trails on the property lead through blue oaks to amazing views in all directions, because Hanson Hills is an important link for two major gateways and wildlife corridors: Big Bend to the future Deer Valley Regional Park and Clayton Ranch to Round Valley Regional Preserve.

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Hanson Hills’ 76 acres include a rare desert olive grove, native grasses and wildflowers, and amazing views in all directions from Long Canyon’s tall blue oak–covered ridges. The land was named for those striking ridges and for the Hanson family, who wanted to protect their property so that everyone could enjoy it as they have. Twinkling down the hills is another rare and critical need for wildlife—a stream that flows right into Marsh Creek. That section of Marsh Creek that the stream flows into is our Big Bend property, protected in 2014. Most importantly, Hanson Hills is a critical connection for wildlife.

Hanson Hills MapThe Marsh Creek corridor runs from the headwaters on Mount Diablo east to the Delta, and Hanson Hills is right in the middle of it. Protected natural areas lie to the north of Hanson Hills as well. It’s just one property away from the East Bay Regional Park District’s future Deer Valley Regional Park.  That’s important because protected land is necessary not only for wildlife to survive but to thrive.

Wildlife needs a connected protected wilderness, which is why we protect places like Hanson Hills and Big Bend all along Marsh Creek. Canyons and creeks are natural pathways for wildlife as they make their way to other areas to get the resources they need. The creek is a natural draw for wildlife seeking water and tends to be a popular pathway for them to the next protected oasis they need on their journey, like a wildlife Route 66.

Without connected land, wildlife can’t get what they need to survive. When you protect and connect lands, you and future generations get to enjoy them too.

Hanson Hills is another oasis for wildlife and another piece toward creating a national park-sized wilderness right here in our backyard for you, wildlife, and future generations to enjoy.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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