Yes on Measure FF!

Facts about Measure FF, the Measure CC Extension:

On June 5th, 2018, the East Bay Regional Park District Board unanimously approved placing the critically needed Measure FF (Measure CC Extension) on the ballot. Measure FF appeared on both Alameda and Contra Costa County ballots in the communities of Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, Alameda, San Pablo, El Cerrito, Albany, Emeryville, Piedmont, El Sobrante, and Kensington. Measure FF extends an existing $12/year ($1/month) parcel tax.

Official Ballot Question: Wildfire Protection, Safe Parks/Trails, Public Access, Natural Habitat

“Without increasing tax rates, to protect against wildfires; enhance public safety; preserve water quality, shorelines, urban creeks; protect redwoods and parklands in a changing climate; and restore natural areas, shall East Bay Regional Park District be authorized to extend an existing parcel tax of $1 monthly ($12/year) per single-family parcel and 69¢ monthly ($8.28/year) for multi-family units, raising approximately $3.3 million annually, to expire in 20 years?”

Measure FF (the Measure CC Extension) extends critically needed investments to

  • Protect from wildfires and increase public safety
  • Protect natural resources and enrich the natural habitat
  • Enhance public access
  • Enhance and maintain visitor use facilities

Over the past two years, the EBRPD has engaged in a robust community conversation regarding the extension of Measure CC for this critical set of investments to the parks system, including

  • A stakeholder advisory committee
  • A community-driven detailed expenditure plan aligned with the district’s public mission, vision, and master plan
  • Three public forum meetings in Alameda, Oakland, and Richmond with a written and online survey for feedback

Taxpayer safeguards are a priority, with strong fiscal management and the detailed expenditure plan. The East Bay Regional Park District takes their public stewardship of funds very seriously, and has recently been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Special District Leadership Council Transparency Certificate of Excellence.

Here’s why we need Measure FF and who endorsed it, in addition to Save Mount Diablo.

Read more from the East Bay Regional Park District about the specific priorities of Measure FF.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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