Dick Heron

Interviewed by Roxana Lucero, Stewardship and Outreach Intern

About Dick

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

Since 1974 – San Jose, then Danville since 1977.

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

I donated to SMD while still working for Del Monte Foods. I liked their pragmatic approach to conservation.  Sue & I hiked 4DD in 2002 (shortened to 2 days due to cold rain), and again in 2003. I have been on the crew for 4DD since.

What did you do before you volunteered for us?

I was a Food Engineer for Del Monte Foods in Shadelands, WC, but traveled to plants around the US and the world. Travel included Hawaii, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Kenya, S. Africa, Italy, Greece, Germany, France.  Large projects included $10.5M in Illinois, $18.5M in Modesto.

How long have you been volunteering with us?

Since about 2004, the year before I retired.

Why did you decide to join our team?

I like helping with conservation efforts locally, and the people involved in SMD are a good circle of friends.

About Dick’s Work

Which program(s) are you affiliated with? (DiRT, IPM, Trail Dogs, Property Steward, etc)?

I am property Steward for Wright Canyon.  I also help with other work days on other properties.  I help with office modifications as needed, and assist with many of the sponsored events.  I have taken IPM training, and help with hikes.

What does your volunteer work consist of?

On Wright, I mitigate erosion on the fire roads by cutting water bars, cut and clear fallen trees where they cross roads and/or fences, trim trees that encroach on the roads.  I enjoy being outside and seeing wildlife.

What is the hardest project you’ve worked on while volunteering?

Restoration of the Summit Beacon was the most intense, but since that was similar to my work history it was not that difficult.  Moving the gazebo on Marsh Creek IV was difficult, but also similar to my work, so interesting.  The hardest job was probably making office furniture from office cubicles for the move from the second floor to the 3rd floor.

What is one of your favorite memories volunteering with us?

Definitely drinking wine with Ron & Julie after everyone else goes to bed on 4DD.

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