Take the Diablo Youth Challenge!

Image 1: Four adolescent members of the San Ramon Valley Mountain Bicycling Club posed with the Diablo Youth Challenge sign stating what nature means to them. Credit: Mike Anciaux. | Image 2: Three young female students from Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School (JMIS) enjoyed playing with earthworms and slugs while stewarding the lands at Big Bend, Save Mount Diablo’s Marsh Creek 8 property. Their class participated in Save Mount Diablo’s Conservation Collaboration program last February, as part of an agreement signed by Save Mount Diablo, JMIS and Bedell Fraizer Investment Counselling, LLC. The program is one of Save Mount Diablo’s efforts to get more kids outside and into nature through unique partnerships between the non-profit and local schools and businesses. | Photo Credit: Al Johnson

Diablo Youth Challenge

Save Mount Diablo is committed to getting children and youth out in nature, and many of our supporters share this value. One such supporter is anonymously raising a challenge: A contribution of $500 will be made for every child or teen who spends active time in one of the many public parks on or near Mount Diablo—up to 50 kids—which will raise $25,000 for Save Mount Diablo!!

To participate in the challenge:

  • Download and print this sign that says “I’m saving Mount Diablo! Nature is …” and fill in the blank.
  • Take a photograph of yourself or have a friend take it, on or near Diablo, holding our sign with your message.
  • Post your photo on Facebook or Instagram, tag us (@SaveMountDiablo), and include the hashtag #SMDyouthchallenge.
  • You must include your caption when posting your photo, saying “I’m saving Mount Diablo! Nature is …” (fill in the blank). Then tag us and use the hashtag.
  • If you don’t use want to use social media, you can still email your photo and statement to us at smdinfo@savemountdiablo.org*
    *If you choose to participate over email and opt out of the social media challenge, we will not post or use images of any minors without your stated permission.

Here are the rules:

  • Photos must be of a child or youth, ages 6–20;
  • The location where the photo is taken must be both outdoors and on or around Mount Diablo/its foothills;
  • Photos of a small group of kids are acceptable, but to meet the spirit of the challenge, no more than five kids can be counted per photo;
  • Send us your photo (by tagging us online or emailing us) anytime this year, by November 30, 2019.
  • Remember to get your parents’ permission before participating!
  • Let us know if you have questions.

Now go outside to enjoy nature—and take the youth challenge!

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

Make a Donation