Yes on Prop. 68 for Clean Water & Safe Parks

Save Mount Diablo Endorses Yes on 68

California must lead the way.

Our state is feeling the effects of climate change—from severe droughts to devastating wildfires — yet our federal government is refusing to act.

On the June ballot, Californians will have a chance to address some of our state’s most important water, park, and natural resource needs.

Save Mount Diablo has joined a broad, bipartisan coalition of conservation groups, local park advocates, water experts, and business organizations supporting Prop 68. Notable supporters include Governor Jerry Brown, The Nature Conservancy, The Trust for Public Land, the Association of California Water Agencies, The California Chamber of Commerce, League of California Cities, American Lung Association in California and other advocates for California’s public health.

We are proud to support Yes on 68 as it takes a smart and efficient approach to protecting California’s natural resources.

Proposition 68, the Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, was placed on the ballot by the state legislature to invest $4 billion in critical priorities for California:

• Clean drinking water, including drought preparedness, groundwater cleanup, local water capture, and recycling
• Neighborhood parks in areas that are currently underserved
• Wildfire and flood protection
• Improving resilience to climate change, including funds for forest restoration, fire protection, and farming practices.
• Protection of natural areas, including funding for state conservancies, protection of rivers, lakes and streams, and funds for fish and wildlife habitat.
• Protection and increased access to our coast.
• More details on funding categories and level are available here.

Proposition 68 will invest $4 billion in securing our state’s water supplies and ensuring every Californian has access to clean drinking water and safe, quality parks.

It has been 15 years since California has passed a bond to provide funds for water, parks, and natural areas. In uncertain times, California must protect our state’s water and parks for the next generation by carrying on our state’s storied legacy of leadership on conservation and the environment.

At a time when California faces more frequent and severe droughts, damaging wildfires, floods, and the impacts of climate change, Prop. 68 invests in safeguarding our water supplies and preparing for future challenges and natural disasters.

Through critical and cost-efficient investments in water supplies and water quality, Prop 68 addresses water at its sources—rivers, lakes, streams, natural areas, and groundwater—and provides funds to make localities more self-reliant by increasing water capture and recycling.

Not only is Prop 68 is an economic and environmental necessity, it’s also an equity imperative. After years of communities across California lacking access to safe parks and clean drinking water, Prop. 68 finally ensures that all California residents regardless of zip code have access to the safe, clean water that they deserve and safe places for kids to play.

A vote Yes on Prop. 68 is a vote to support the California Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, a $4 billion investment in the coming years to protect California’s own unique natural resources and ensure every Californian has access to clean drinking water and safe parks.

On June. 5, we urge you to vote YES on Prop 68.

Now, more than ever, we must protect our water and parks.

If we won’t, who will?

Learn more at and follow Yes on 68 California on Facebook and Twitter.


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