Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour and Green Homes Tour

Brewer's Dwarf Flax (Hesperolinon breweri)

April 22 will be our second Earth Day within the pandemic. This time around, there are many more virtual events to join. We are very excited about two free virtual East Bay tours coming to us!

Gardeners and plant lovers will enjoy the award-winning “Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour.” This year also will also be the first “East Bay Green Home Tour.” Learn how to lower your cost of living while protecting yourself and the planet. Keep reading to learn how to get involved.

Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour

california native garden

Photo: Jeff Silva (cropped): CC BY

What is a native garden?

A native garden is just as it sounds; it features native plants. Not only does that make the garden beautiful, but it’s also better for the environment. The gardens featured in this presentation contain 60 percent or more native plants.

How do native gardens support the environment?

California native plants are adapted to the soil and climate. They evolved to grow here. They thrive through drought season because they are adapted to be water-conserving, and because of this, they lower water bills.

As climate change continues, it doesn’t look like drought seasons will get better. Native gardens are more sustainable. Native gardens also support wildlife better! Native birds, butterflies, and other wildlife visit these gardens more often.

Furthermore, the gardens featured don’t use pesticides. Pesticides are dangerous to the environment and to a person’s health. Peregrine falcons vanished from Mount Diablo (and nearly became extinct nationally) because of DDT, a type of pesticide. You can learn more about the peregrines’ story on Mount Diablo here.

About the tour

This is the 17th annual Bringing Back the Natives tour; it will take place on Sundays on April 25, May 2, May 16, and May 23. The virtual tour is free (donations gratefully accepted) and showcases beautiful native gardens across 15 cities located in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. You can view the list of gardens here. The tour will start with a presentation from international best-selling author Doug Tallamy and will have a Q and A conversation with the garden hosts as well as “Ask the Experts” opportunities.

Learn more and register here

Green Home Tour

east bay green home tourWant to learn how to save time and money and protect your health? Best of all, you can do all of this while helping to address climate change!

In this first-ever presentation from garden tour host Kathy Kramer and clean energy expert Amy Kiser, learn how you can make your home green for a healthier future. The presentation will discuss induction cooking, heat pumps, solar energy, power outages, and more.

This two-day event will happen on two Sundays, June 6 and 13.

Learn more and register here

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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