50 Years of Save Mount Diablo Podcast: Save Mount Diablo’s Present

Irish Canyon from Kreiger Peak
Irish Canyon from Kreiger Peak. Irish Canyon was purchased by Save Mount Diablo to secure a wildlife habitat and recreational corridor between Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve and Mount Diablo State Park. Photo: Scott Hein

At our inception in 1971, Mount Diablo State Park was just 6,788 acres, and today, as a result of the work we and our partners have done, it’s nearly 20,000 acres. And it’s surrounded by more than 50 parks and preserves.

But why is Save Mount Diablo still around? What may seem bizarre is that we are doing more now than ever.

Tune in to episode two of the Berkeley Remix, in the three-part series, “50 Years of Save Mount Diablo” as it explores Save Mount Diablo’s present.

From supporting ballot measures and fundraising efforts to cultivating relationships with nature enthusiasts and artists to collaborating with outside partners, Save Mount Diablo continues to “punch above its weight.”

This episode asks: now that Save Mount Diablo has conserved land, how does it take care of it? How does Save Mount Diablo continue to build a community?

How are artists activists, and how do they help support Save Mount Diablo? How does Save Mount Diablo sustain partnerships to conserve more land?

Listen to the podcast here.

Read the transcript here.

Top photo by Scott Hein

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