Jamie Fong | Volunteer of the Month

Interviewed by Haley Sutton, Land Stewardship Associate

About Jamie

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

I have lived in the Bay Area for my entire life. Born and raised in the East Bay. Left for four years for college and now I’m back!

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

I first learned about Save Mount Diablo when my partner was applying for a job there. . . . She got it 😉

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo, and which programs are you involved in?

I started volunteering when my partner asked if I wanted to help at a DiRT Day at Marsh Creek 4. It was a lot of fun helping prune out dead wood from elderberry shrubs and pulling invasive grasses.

It is always very rewarding to do the physical work of restoration and watch the space change from one filled with invasive vegetation to one with native flora. I also have been helping out at Big Bend to help water in some new restoration plantings.

About Jamie’s Work

What do you enjoy about the volunteer work you do?

I really enjoy being in the outdoors and making a visible difference. It is a lot of fun to be able to get your hands dirty and help the environment. It is also such a joy to be able to see the changes year after year.

I also enjoy talking with people during the Discover Diablo hikes and appreciating nature by immersing in it.

It is great being able to meet others who care so much about conservation and the environment and I hope more people are encouraged to help with this kind of work to make an even larger impact for the environment.

What is the most challenging project you’ve worked on as a volunteer?

The most challenging project I’ve worked on is watering the restoration plantings in the hot summer heat during COVID.

Is there a memorable experience you’ve had as a Save Mount Diablo volunteer?

I’ve had a lot of great memories as a Save Mount Diablo volunteer sweeping hikes for the Discover Diablo program. There are so many gorgeous places on the Save Mount Diablo properties that go unseen by the general public. I highly recommend going on one if you haven’t already!

How do you spend your time beyond your volunteer work with us?

Beyond volunteering for Save Mount Diablo, you can usually find me hiking or working on plants at home. I also work at a public garden so I am pretty much always around plants and the outdoors!

Join Our Volunteer Crew! We Depend on You

Given limited staff, resources, and time, Save Mount Diablo depends on volunteers to take organizational effectiveness from excellent to exceptional. Save Mount Diablo seeks to connect a passionate community to our mission, cultivating a sense of ownership and proficiency in every volunteer position offered.

Whether you want to help with restoration and stewardship, build and maintain trails, help with events, assist in the office, lead hikes, or advocate for us, there’s a place for you. For more information, check out Save Mount Diablo’s volunteer opportunities.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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