Save Mount Diablo’s mission is to nurture lasting connections between students and nature through our new Young Diablo Explorers program.

We hope to inspire the next generation to have a lifelong appreciation for the environment by giving them hands-on educational experiences aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards at our Mangini Ranch Educational Preserve.

We invite teachers to use these resources to enrich their classrooms and outdoor learning experiences.

How It Works

  • All curricula and associated materials are free and available for download. Some are designed to meet the learning standards for third- to fifth-grade students, while others are suitable for learners of all ages. Utilize the links below to find curricula for each age group.
  • Teachers can fill out a reservation request form to utilize Mangini Ranch Educational Preserve for a field trip with their students. Most curricula can be adapted to other locations, while some are designed specifically for use at Mangini Ranch.

Our Curricula

For questions and information about the Young Diablo Explorers program, reach out to Kendra Smith, Education & Outreach Coordinator at

kids learn how to make a field guide

kids take an interpretive hike at Mangini preserve

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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