Save Mount Diablo Teaches about Land Conservation at CSU East Bay This Spring

Screenshot of Ted giving a presentation

Save Mount Diablo is working to build the bench for land conservation in our area as well as connect with more diverse communities—so when Ted Clement was asked again to teach his semester-long land conservation course this spring at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB), one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the United States, he accepted.

The course is entitled History of Land Conservation Nationally and in the Mount Diablo Area, the Original and Future Stewards, and Careers in the Field.  His first land conservation course was offered at CSUEB this past fall semester.

Ted has engaged other members of the Save Mount Diablo team to be part of this course as guest lecturers.  The eight classes of the course are as follows:

  1. Overview of the course, and the history and evolution of land conservation in the United States by Professor Clement;
  2. History of Save Mount Diablo by guest lecturer Seth Adams;
  3. Native peoples, the original stewards of the Mount Diablo area by guest lecturers Robert Phelps, PhD and Sean Burke;
  4. Stewarding the unique flora of the Mount Diablo and Diablo Range areas by guest lecturer Sean Burke;
  5. Stewarding the unique fauna of the Mount Diablo and Diablo Range areas by guest lecturer Seth Adams;
  6. Establishing the next generation of stewards by Professor Clement and guest lecturer Robert Phelps, PhD;
  7. National standards and practices for land trusts by Professor Clement; and
  8. Careers in land conservation by Professor Clement.
Screenshot of Sean's flora lecture. Slide shows a wildfire burning a hillside.

Land Programs Director Sean Burke explains how many California native plants are adapted to fire.

Guest lecturer Robert Phelps, PhD is a member of the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians of California, serves on the Board of Directors of Save Mount Diablo, and is the Chair of the organization’s Education Committee. Dr. Phelps is also the Executive Director of the Concord Campus of CSUEB.

Guest lecturer Sean Burke is a member of the Cherokee Tribe and Intertribal Friendship House, and he serves as Save Mount Diablo’s Land Programs Director.

Guest lecturer Seth Adams is Save Mount Diablo’s Land Conservation Director. Professor Clement is Save Mount Diablo’s Executive Director.

Screenshot of Seth giving a lecture. Slide shows a picture of a creek bed

Land Conservation Director Seth Adams talks about the importance of streams and riparian corridors.

Topics for Save Mount Diablo’s Land Conservation Course

The primary learning objectives for the course are as follows:

  1. Describe the basic history of land conservation nationally and in the Mount Diablo area as a dynamic process of needed change over time;
  2. Identify and appreciate the original native stewards of the Mount Diablo area, drawing connections to developing future stewards of our natural areas;
  3. Articulate a working definition of land trusts;
  4. Recognize various careers in the land conservation field;
  5. Identify the training and preparation necessary to pursue a career involving land trusts; and
  6. Appreciate the unique flora and fauna of the Mount Diablo and Diablo Range areas and discuss what is required to help steward these resources.

View a copy of the course syllabus.

We are so thankful to be working on building the bench for land conservation in our area with a young and diverse group of students!

People standing on a hill and getting a better look at birds in the distance with binoculars

Teaching young people to care for the environment is one of the most important ways to address the climate crisis. Photo by Al Johnson.

Top photo: Professor Ted Clement starting lecture.

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