New Half-Cent Tax for Contra Costa?

Act Now and Tell CCTA to Make an Equitable & Sustainable Transportation Plan for the County

The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is planning to place a new half-cent sales tax for transportation on the March 2020 ballot, which would raise more than $3 billion over 30 years. It’s a critical opportunity to make Contra Costa County more affordable, safe, and healthy and ensure that residents with transportation barriers like seniors, youth, and people with disabilities can more easily get to where they need to go.

Tell your representatives that you want to see a bold, equitable expenditure plan with major investments in sustainable transportation options.

Save Mount Diablo and more than a dozen partner organizations are urging the CCTA to make the following commitments. More detailed asks are in our coalition platform.

Tell decision-makers that you support these demands:

  • significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and commit to no new GHG and VMT-inducing projects.
  • increase funding on public transportation
  • commit to an outcomes-oriented approach with measurable performance targets and binding criteria NOW, before the expenditure plan is approved, to determine how dollars are spent and ensure the plan results in the greatest public benefit for every dollar spent
  • prioritize social equity and improve transportation options for all, especially those with the greatest transportation barriers, including youth, seniors, people of lower incomes, and people with disabilities
  • commit to transparent public oversight and deep community engagement going forward

You can make a difference if you take action now before CCTA votes on August 21, 2019. We also encourage you to share your priorities in this CCTA survey.

Save Mount Diablo is currently doing its due diligence and waiting to see what improvements will be made to the draft expenditure plan, before taking a formal position on this matter.

Who Do I Send Comments To?
CCTA staff and Commissioners. Each commissioner is from an elected body somewhere in the county. You can email all of them because they’re making decisions that affect the whole county. Be sure to sign your name and personalize your message.

Who’s Part of Our Coalition?

  • 350 Bay Area
  • Bike East Bay
  • Contra Costa Citizen’s Lobby
  • Contra Costa Climate Action Network
  • Contra Costa MoveOn
  • Elders Climate Action
  • Greenbelt Alliance
  • Indivisible ReSisters Walnut Creek
  • Orinda Progressive Action Alliance
  • Monument Impact
  • Sunflower Alliance
  • Sustainable Rossmoor
  • TransForm
  • Urban Habitat

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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