Krane Pond

Krane Pond

Acreage 6.69 Acres
Vegetation Communities Riparian (streamside) woodland, grassland, oak savanna
Watershed Young Canyon Creek, which runs into Mount Diablo Creek
Ownership Protected by Save Mount Diablo in 2023; owned by Save Mount Diablo


The Krane Pond property, a 6.69-acre parcel, is directly adjacent to Clayton and Mount Diablo State Park.

The property is part of the “Missing Mile,” a square mile of largely privately owned open space land on the slopes of North Peak and Save Mount Diablo’s fourth acquisition project there.

The Krane Pond property has been a priority for protection since Save Mount Diablo was founded in 1971.  The land includes a large spring-fed pond that is very important for wildlife.

krane pond in autumn

The Krane Pond property in October. Photo by Shannon Grover

The Krane Pond property is part of North Peak’s Young Canyon and is bordered by a small spur ridge.

Its ecological significance eclipses its size. The property includes one of the largest ponds on the north side of Mount Diablo and is critically important for Mount Diablo’s wildlife.

It can help sustain a multitude of species from ground squirrels to bobcats and even rarer endangered species such as California red-legged frogs and Alameda whipsnakes.

Development has carved its way into Diablo’s foothills below the property’s border.

Krane was threatened by Clayton’s Marsh Creek Specific Plan 30 years ago while a neighboring parcel was developed into the Oakwood Estates subdivision.

Save Mount Diablo helped shrink the specific plan, and the county and Clayton’s Urban Limit Lines gained strength over the years. Krane is adjacent to the Clayton city limits but just outside the Urban Limit Line.

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