Faria/Southwest Pittsburg Hills Annexation

pittsburg faria hills drone image

The ridge between Pittsburg and Concord that we are working to save. Photo credit: Cooper Ogden


In April 2023, four of the five members of the Pittsburg City Council approved the disastrous Seeno/Discovery Builders Faria project. (One of the councilmembers abstained.)

This project would bulldoze the top of Pittsburg’s hills and put 1,500 houses on more than 600 acres right on top of and next to the new Thurgood Marshall Regional Park.

This was the second time they’ve approved the project. We’ve won in court twice to get better environmental scrutiny on Faria, but at this point, YOU can make the biggest difference to Save the Ridge! The fight to save the ridge isn’t over yet.

Save the Ridge

The Seeno Faria project is on county land. It can only be added to Pittsburg by LAFCO, the Local Agency Formation Commission, which regulates boundaries like city limits.

LAFCO is one of the least known, most powerful agencies in Conta Costa County. It can make Seeno and Pittsburg do more than the Pittsburg City Council required when it approved Seeno’s Faria project in April 2023.

The Pittsburg City Council needs to do what other communities in the Bay Area have already done—treat their hills and ridges as a public treasure, which increase property values and should be protected rather than flattened and paved over.


  • Urge the Concord City Council to intervene with Pittsburg to negotiate a bigger buffer for the regional park, to Save the Ridge!
  • Urge the Pittsburg City Council to demand a bigger buffer for the regional park, to Save the Ridge!
  • Urge LAFCO to require a bigger buffer for the regional park, to Save the Ridge!

Save the Ridge

2024 Mailings

In March 2024, Save Mount Diablo shared a mailer with Concord residents to inform them about the 1,500-house Faria project.

Faria is a Seeno/Discovery Builders development that would negatively impact the new Thurgood Marshall Regional Park and be visible from both Pittsburg and Concord.

Click here to download a copy of the Concord mailer, which is also available below.

Click here to view the 2024 mailer Save Mount Diablo sent out to Pittsburg residents in January.

2023 Mailings

Save Mount Diablo also shared mailers with Pittsburg’s residents in 2023. A high-resolution copy of the outside and inside of the mailer is available here and here, respectively.

Save Mount Diablo is not opposed to all growth. Pittsburg has thousands of housing units already approved but not yet built. They include units at Seeno’s San Marco, Sky Ranch II, Montreux, and Tuscany Meadows projects.

A smaller or more compact Faria project could easily protect the beautiful ridge, expand the new regional park onto the Pittsburg side, and provide easy public access for Pittsburg residents.

What You Can Do for Pittsburg’s Hills

  • Send a quick and easy email to the Concord and Pittsburg City Councils, as well as LAFCO, and tell them to Save the Ridge!
  • Follow Save Pittsburg’s Hills on Facebook to see updates.
  • Share this post with other Pittsburg residents.
  • Consider donating to or joining Save Mount Diablo.
  • Watch our 80-second video to see for yourself the beautiful land and incredible views that Seeno’s 1,500-house Faria development would ruin. Development would occur right on top of these hills, and impact the new regional park on the Concord side. Pittsburg residents deserve to have access to this park and trails showcasing these beautiful views and wildlife habitat. Faria would just give residents 1,500 houses worth of traffic, degraded views, paved hills, and blocked access to the new park.

Here are some of the comments from Pittsburg residents opposing the Faria project.

One of the most attractive things about Pittsburg is the beautiful rolling hills that enchanted me from the very first time I saw them 22 years ago, moving to Pittsburg as a child. Please do not let Seeno/Discovery Builders destroy one of the very last attractions.

The impacts should not be considered in phases—they need to be informed as a whole to understand the total impact to our traffic, our infrastructure and our neighborhood.

Sign up for our newsletter, Save Pittsburg’s Hills, for updates on Faria.


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