Kathleen Roth | Volunteer of the Month (July 2019)

Kathleen Roth sitting on a rock in Viera-North Peak

Interviewed by Laura Kindsvater, Stewardship & Outreach Intern

About Kathleen

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

Thirty-one years.

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

I always follow land-use issues closely and read about it in the newspaper.

What did you do before you volunteered for us?

I am an emergency physician and worked in the Emergency Department at Kaiser in Oakland for 25 years. I retired about six years ago. I love music, hiking, and travel. My house burned down in the Oakland fire in 1991, and rebuilding was a large project. It was interesting watching the land and vegetation change after the fire. There was no sewer, and the city required me to extend the main. Following that, there were three different landslides and water issues with lawsuits, so I have learned more than I ever expected to about insurance, geotechnical engineering, and land movement issues.

How long have you been volunteering with us?

Six years.

Why did you decide to join our team?

I have always loved nature and the outdoors and wanted to work in land protection and vegetation restoration. The volunteers and staff at SMD are a diverse and interesting group of people.

About Kathleen’s Work

Which programs(s) are you affiliated with (DiRT, IPM, Trail Dogs, property steward, fundraising, office work, etc.)?

IPM team and property steward. I worked a little bit with the Save Sand Creek initiative.

What does your volunteer work consist of and what do you like about it?

I feel very fortunate to be an assistant property steward for Viera-North Peak. This is one of the most rugged and isolated properties, and it is a challenge navigating its steep, trail-less terrain. When viewed from the base of the mountain, it looks like unforgiving rock and chaparral, but several unexpected creeks bubble through it with small waterfalls and moss-covered rocks. The area had burned the year before I started volunteering, and it has been amazing to watch the changes as the vegetation regenerates.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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