Jeff Radigan

Interviewed by Roxana Lucero, Stewardship and Outreach Intern

About Jeff

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?
42 years

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?
My wife and I have been supporters of SMD for many years. I think I read about the organization early on and liked what they were doing.

What did you do before you volunteered for us?
I worked as a physician at Kaiser. I retired in 2009.

How long have you been volunteering with us?
5 years

Why did you decide to join our team?
As a longtime supporter of SMD, it seemed a natural choice to join your team after I retired.

About Jeff’s Work

Which program(s) are you affiliated with? (Diablo Restoration Team (DiRT), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Trail Dogs, Property Steward, Hike Leader, Office Admin, Events, Communications, etc)?

I work with the IPM team and the DiRT teams. I also volunteer on the steward workdays and sometimes I help out at the SMD fundraising events like Moonlight on the Mountain and The Mount Diablo Challenge

What does your volunteer work consist of?

Some days I may be planting native grasses and plants or trying to reduce the number of invasive plants. Other days may be spent cleaning up or maintaining the properties. I like being outdoors and being active. The SMD properties where we get to work are gorgeous all thru the year and the staff always make the workdays fun.

What is the hardest project you’ve worked on while volunteering?

Anyone who is familiar with the Curry Canyon Ranch property knows the challenges it posed when first acquired. Many of us spent long, hard days filling very large dumpsters with what seemed like tons of discarded junk left on the property.

What is one of your favorite memories volunteering with us?

At the 2016 Mount Diablo Challenge, I was working at the lower summit parking lot when the caterers said they needed extra help. I was put into the serving line where I was able to serve and also congratulate all the riders who had done the race.

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