Volunteer of the Month | Arsenio Baca

Arsenio Baca stands in front of his mural

Meet Arsenio

How long have you lived in the Bay Area?

I grew up in the Bay Area. I lived in Concord until I was 18, and then I moved to New Mexico where I lived for five years before moving back to the Bay Area for some time. Currently I live in Monterey.

How did you learn about Save Mount Diablo?

I learned about Save Mount Diablo through Frenchy and Sean. Frenchy used to work with my brother so we got connected through him and became good friends.

They took me on a few hikes through parts of Mount Diablo that the public doesn’t usually get to see so I got inspired to share the message of what Save Mount Diablo does. I got so inspired by them and their passion.

Can you describe your style and the type of art you make?

I do a lot of public murals and artwork, so I try to tailor my work towards the community I’m working in.

I like to be versatile and don’t really consider myself to have a particular style. I also like innovating, using a lot of color, representing people and cultures, and trying new things as much as I can. I have a lot of fun with what I do.

The main thing is that I try to tell a story. Whatever I do, I like to include enough detail that draws people in and makes them try to interpret the story that’s behind it.

I love to hear people’s interpretations of what my work is because it’s not always the same as what I had in mind, but that’s part of it, and that’s what I love about public art, that people get to create the stories for themselves.

What inspired the Save Mount Diablo mural?

It came down to a hike that Frenchy and Sean took me on in Curry Canyon. They described a lot of the history of what Save Mount Diablo does and showed me some cool sites that inspired me.

When I got the opportunity to do Creative Concord I wanted to do a piece that reflected my time hanging out with them and put light to the mission behind Save Mount Diablo’s work.

I wanted to do a mural that showed the natural landscape and the natural life that is in the Concord and Clayton area that was there before all the buildings and people. I thought it would be a cool representation of our hometown in a different way.

How else do you spend your time when you’re not making art?

I really enjoy trying new things. I’m curious by nature and I love exploring so I go on hikes and swim in the ocean as much as I can. I also love playing sports, like basketball and archery, and I like to travel.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your work?

I want to give a shout out to Creative Concord for sponsoring the Save Mount Diablo mural. They are really great people and I love that they’re bringing art to the Concord area and Contra Costa County. It’s great to see public art in my hometown.

I’m also doing a lot to build the art community in the Bay Area.

You can make a living out of being an artist and I want to show that you can do it. I did not go to art school, I just chased my passion and figured out how to make it work, and I’m proof that you can make a living off it and give back to your community.

I’m happy to share that passion and especially with younger artists to help them find their own passion.

Arsenio’s “Save Mount Diablo” mural for Creative Concord is located at 1960 Concord Ave, Concord, CA 94520 on the side of the building.

Follow Arsenio’s work on Instagram at @abacaart and his website. Arsenio is also a part of a mural team called La Neta Murals. To learn more about their work, visit them at lanetamurals.com or on Instagram at @la.neta.murals.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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