Two Entities Apply to Be the Next Concord Reuse Project Master Developer

A seasonal pond on the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.
The former Concord Naval Weapons Station. Photo by Scott Hein

The City of Concord has received statement of qualifications (SOQs) packets from two commercial entities interested in becoming the next Master Developer of the huge Concord reuse project, the largest project in northern California.

View of Mount Diablo from the former Concord Naval Weapons Station

View of Mount Diablo from the former Concord Naval Weapons Station. Photo by Scott Hein

The deadline to submit SOQs was Friday, July 14. Brookfield Properties and Housing America Partners turned in their paperwork on time.

Although this is the first time Housing America Partners has applied for the position, Brookfield had competed to be the Master Developer back in 2021.

Now is the City of Concord’s chance to deliver a world-class project at the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.

Oak and rock with lichen at the former Concord Naval Weapons Station

The former Concord Naval Weapons Station. Photo by Brian Holt

We need a project that buffers communities from construction impacts, takes advantage of mass transit, and provides quality affordable housing.

We need a project that serves as a model for the latest green-building and sustainable development principles, and benefits the city and Contra Costa County far more than it negatively impacts them.

Now Concord city staff and leadership will review what’s been submitted, with a public meeting to consider the candidates tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 26. We’ll keep you updated. Learn more about the SOQ announcement.

Map of the Concord reuse project and Thurgood Marshall Regional Park and proposed Faria project

Map of the Concord reuse project, Thurgood Marshall Regional Park, and the proposed Faria project. Map by Save Mount Diablo

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