Stewardship Volunteers Water Parched Plants, Trim Trees

Volunteers picking up trash at pine canyon

Here’s an overview of some of the stewardship activities we were up to during the previous month.

Marsh Creek 4 and 6 Neighbor Workday

Story and photo by Roxana Lucero

During our neighbor workday at Marsh Creek 6, staff and volunteers, including our neighbors, brush cut dead branches that were encroaching into the steep driveway. Brush cutting involves sawing, lopping, condensing the fallen materials, and moving them out of the way. The plan is to get the remaining branch piles chipped and broadcast onto the hill. Along with brush cutting, our neighbor also patched up a fence rail that had broken in its center. Meanwhile, up at the top, our crew watered all the surviving plants and trimmed some hazardous trees. Thank you all!

Fence Photography by Dave Sondergeld

Watering Crew Visit Ang Twice in October!

Story and photography by Roxana Lucero

October was another dry and warm month. We are so lucky to have a dedicated team of volunteers who continue to come out every three weeks to water our more than 150 plantings. Regularly watering plants in their first couple of years, during the dry months, helps them grow deep and strong
roots as well as reach maturity. Once they reach maturity, they have grown enough to withstand harsher environments, including drier seasons. October is also the month that oak trees drop their acorns and this year, there were plenty falling. We hope to have a wet year to help these acorns and our plantings grow.

Measure T Passes, Wins by a Landslide in Antioch!

Story by Roxana Lucero and photography by Seth Adams

Measure T was an initiative crafted by Save Mount Diablo and conservation partners in Antioch, to give Antioch voters a say in development proposals that could affect the Sand Creek area. The measure passed with an overwhelming 79 percent yes! Our fantastic volunteers and our staff dedicated hours of walking house to house to pass out informational letters. Together, we reached thousands of residents with information, letting them know that they could vote yes to have a voice in their city. Now the residents have spoken.

We thank all of you for your role in helping us pass Measure T: your donations, gifts, and volunteer efforts have made this possible!

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