Defending the California Environmental Quality Act  

San Joaquin kit fox with kits in grass
San Joaquin kit fox, an endangered species. Photo by Scott Hein.

Few laws in California are as important for conservation as the California Environmental Quality Act. 

“The Act has saved critical natural resources, protected public health, averted public safety disasters, provided important community benefits, and transformed poorly planned projects into greener, more equitable ones.” —CEQA Works 

Unfortunately, it has been criticized by opponents who believe that the California Environmental Quality Act creates obstacles for development projects.

Typically this happens when developers try to ignore its requirements, neighbors or organizations challenge them, and things get delayed.

development along pittsburg's hills

Sprawl development in Pittsburg’s hills. Photo by Scott Hein

Save Mount Diablo, working with partners (like CEQA Works and the Planning and Conservation League) is playing a key role in defending the act.  

Enacted in 1970, the California Environmental Quality Act established an environmental review process for planned developments to  

  • research and disclose those potential impacts to both the public and key decision makers, and 
  • mitigate significant and avoidable impacts before those plans are approved.  

Save Mount Diablo’s Ongoing Support 

Mount Diablo buckwheat

Mount Diablo buckwheat, an endangered species. Photo by Scott Hein

Our staff receives regular training and attends conferences like the California Environmental Assembly, hosted by the Planning and Conservation League, to stay informed about the latest developments in environmental protection. 

These gatherings allow us to connect with partners to advance our efforts in protecting California’s environment and communities.

Additionally, Save Mount Diablo recently made a $5,000 contribution to CEQA Works—a coalition of nearly 200 environmental justice and conservation organizations working to protect the California Environmental Quality Act.

panoche valley

Panoche Valley, part of the Diablo Range. Photo by Scott Hein

This contribution emphasizes how important we think the California Environmental Quality Act is for defending residents and California’s resources. 

It also reflects Save Mount Diablo’s proactive stance in defending the state’s environmental laws. 

The Role of CEQA Works 

Endangered Crotch’s bumblebee (Bombus crotchii) on California milkweed (Asclepias californica). Photo by Ken-Ichi Ueda

The CEQA Works Coalition serves as an advocate for the California Environmental Quality Act. The organization both defends and implements this essential law. 

The organization shared an open letter on January 24, 2024, signed by dozens of organizations and groups to the California Governor and lawmakers advocating for several key priorities outlined in the letter.

These priorities include 

  • robust support for the California Environmental Quality Act;  
  • opposition to proposed amendments that could weaken its effectiveness; and  
  • recognition of its vital role in promoting environmental justice, protecting natural and cultural resources, and mitigating climate change. 
california poppies

Field of California poppies, our state flower. Photo by Scott Hein

Additionally, the letter emphasizes the California Environmental Quality Act’s recognition of the importance of public participation, and it calls for measures to ensure equitable access to California Environmental Quality Act protections for all communities, particularly those most vulnerable to environmental harm. 

Through advocacy efforts, legal initiatives, and public outreach, CEQA Works champions the cause of environmental protection, empowering communities to hold developers and decision makers accountable for adhering to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines.  

The Battles Ahead 

California tiger salamander

California tiger salamander, an imperiled species. Photo: USFWS

Through contributions to initiatives like CEQA Works, Save Mount Diablo continues to demonstrate its dedication to preserving the beauty and biodiversity that make California unique. 

In the face of mounting challenges posed by extreme weather, habitat loss, climate change, and other threats, the importance of the California Environmental Quality Act cannot be overstated. 

We will continue to work together to defend the Act and to ensure a more sustainable future for California residents and nature. 

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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