Stewarding the Land

an ancient oak and an oak seedling at the Ang property

Here’s some of what we’ve been up to lately in the stewardship department.

Targeting Thistle Seedlings So Our Native Plantings Continue to Thrive

two young women volunteering for a Diablo Restoration Team workday at the Marsh Creek 6 propertyIt had been a while since we had done a proper workday at Marsh Creek 6. We needed to keep the area undisturbed for at least a year after the wildfire in 2018 before doing any more work there.

On December 17, we returned to Marsh Creek 6 and targeted thistle seedlings in between the native plants. We had planted native bunchgrasses, California beach sage, silver lupine, monkeyflower, California fuchsia, and mariposa lily. The plants are thriving again and the sage is actually spreading on its own.

Planting More Trees at Ang

integrated pest management volunteers working at the Ang property for Save Mount Diablo

We are continuing our work at the Ang restoration site with the goal of filling in empty areas between oak trees with riparian trees such as valley oak, buckeye, and red willow. In October, we collected acorns to replace failed plantings from this year. We collected the acorns on the Ang property along the creek, in the same watershed where we planted them. We’ll work again on planting red willows next year.


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