Ginochio Schwendel Ranch

Save Mount Diablo has an extraordinary opportunity to protect a vital piece of the Mount Diablo area ecosystem—the 98-acre Ginochio Schwendel Ranch.

It is located along Marsh Creek Road between Clayton and Brentwood and is strategically next to Marsh Creek and Save Mount Diablo’s Marsh Creek 5 preserve. Ginochio Schwendel Ranch holds potential for future trail access.

This stunning property also features rare volcanic soils, endemic plants like the Mount Diablo globe lily, and breathtaking views—while also serving as an important part of the Marsh Creek watershed and a critical wildlife corridor for listed wildlife like the Alameda whipsnake and California red-legged frog.

Ginochio Schwendel Ranch is owned by the most important landowning family in Contra Costa County, the Ginochio family.

They own many important open space properties in the area. Successfully acquiring and protecting Ginochio Schwendel Ranch may lead to other opportunities with the Ginochio family.

To preserve this natural treasure for generations to come, Save Mount Diablo must raise almost $1.5 million by March 6, 2025. Donations will help fund the acquisition and stewardship of the land, preventing future development and preserving its unique environmental and scenic values.

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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