Land Acknowledgment

In early 2022, Save Mount Diablo’s Board of Directors approved a Save Mount Diablo land acknowledgment honoring the native peoples of the area in which we work:

“Save Mount Diablo recognizes that we are on the unceded ancestral lands of the Bay Miwok, Muwekma Ohlone, Northern Valley Yokuts, and other tribes and tribelets—peoples who have loved and cared for Mount Diablo as a sacred mountain since time immemorial. Many of these peoples continue today as thriving members of the diverse communities of the greater San Francisco Bay Area and the larger Diablo Range region. We acknowledge and honor the Bay Miwok, Ohlone, and Northern Valley Yokut tribes, as well as all of the indigenous people of the lands which Save Mount Diablo serves.”

This land acknowledgment will now be included in Save Mount Diablo’s strategic plan and will soon be read at various events.

Native Peoples of the Diablo Region

Save Mount Diablo Board member Robert Phelps, PhD, and Land Programs Director Sean Burke created a presentation about the native peoples of our region, mission colonization by the Spanish, and native resistance.

Their presentation was part of a land conservation course that Save Mount Diablo is teaching at California State University East Bay.

Watch the video of the presentation now.

To learn more about the ways we are working with native peoples and related matters, please contact Sean Burke, Land Programs Director, at

Join us to save the remaining natural lands of Mount Diablo!

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